Please read all these Terms and Conditions (Ts&Cs) in full. These are the Terms on which We sell all Services to You.

As We can accept your Order and make a legally enforceable agreement without further reference to You, You must read these Terms and Conditions to make sure that they contain all that you want and are happy with. By Ordering any of the Services and Booking a Place, You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions set forth in this document.


  1. These Terms and Conditions will apply to the purchase of the Services and Goods by You the Customer.
  2. Men’s Nation is a project within Circle of Circles CIC, a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales under company number: 15171156, whose registered office is at 24 Broom Park, Dartington, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6JR. Our email address is: [email protected].

You can only purchase the Services and Goods from the Website if You are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years of age.


  1. ‘Customer or Consumer’ means an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside his or her trade, business, craft or profession;
  2. ‘Contract’ means the legally-binding agreement between ‘You’ (the Customer) and ‘Us or We’ (the Supplier) for the supply of the Services;
  3. The ‘Website’ means our Website:, on which the Services are advertised.
  4. ‘Site and Delivery Location’ means the Supplier’s premises or other location where the Services are to be supplied, as set out in the Order;
  5. ‘Durable Medium’ means paper or email, or any other medium that allows information to be addressed personally to the recipient, enables the recipient to store the information in a way accessible for future reference for a period that is long enough for the purposes of the information, and allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;
  6. ‘Goods’ means any goods that We supply to You with the Services, of the number and description as set out in the Order;
  7. ‘Services’ means the Services advertised on the Website, including any Goods, of the number and description set out in the Order;
  8. ‘Order’ means the Customer’s Order for the Services from the Supplier as submitted following the step by step process set out on the Website;
  9. ‘Privacy Policy’ means the terms which set out how We will deal with confidential and personal information received from You via the Website;
  10. Young Man/Men‘ means male(s) of At Least Teenage Years who can be ‘Inactively Parented’ whilst on the Site.


  1. The description of the services and any goods is as set out in the website, catalogues, brochures or other form of advertisement. Any description is for illustrative purposes only and there may be small discrepancies in the size and colour of any services and/or goods supplied.
  2. In the case of services and any goods made to your special requirements, it is your responsibility to ensure that any information or specification you provide is accurate.
  3. All Services which appear on the website are subject to availability.
  4. We can make changes to the services which are necessary to comply with any applicable law or safety requirement. We will notify you of these changes.

Customer Responsibilities:

  1. By Booking a Place, You, the Customer, willingly and actively accept our invitation to become a Member of the MenFest Community, with the knowledge that MenFest is a private, members-only gathering.
  2. You must co-operate with us in all matters relating to the services, provide us and our authorised employees and representatives with access to any premises under your control as required, provide us with all information required to perform the services and obtain any necessary licences and consents (unless otherwise agreed).
  3. Failure to comply with the above is a customer default, which entitles us to suspend performance of the services until you remedy it. If you fail to remedy it following our request, we can terminate the contract with immediate effect on written notice to you.
  4. Medical and Physical Needs: It is each person’s (Your) responsibility to bring to the organisers’ attention any access requirements or potential medical risks that may arise during the gathering. You can either make us aware of this in the ‘Note To Seller’ section on the Place Booking, or advise us on entry to the gathering. If you wish to discuss any matter further regarding this, please send us an email marked ‘Medical or Physical Needs’ to: [email protected]. First Aid and Welfare Assistance will be available, if needed.
  5. If you, or anyone you’ve been in close contact with, in the 14 days prior to the Gathering, are displaying symptoms of any serious transmittable illness, please DO NOT attend the Gathering.
  6. Please make sure you have read and understood all the information on the website about the gathering, including the Food page, the additional Information page ie. ‘What to bring and not to bring to the site’.
  7. If you are attending as a Parent or Guardian, you are allowed to book a place for and Accompany Two (2) Young Men on the site. You accept full responsibility for the(se) young man/men at all times whilst on site and are both subject to Joint and Several Terms and Conditions regarding your removal from the site. If a minor is suspected of committing or planning to commit crime or anti-social behaviour, they and you as their parent/guardian(s) may be removed from site.
  8. Please respect the site boundaries. You may not enter private property in the vicinity of the site.
  9. By Booking a Place, You, the Customer, agree to take part in the ‘Radical Participation’ aspect of the Gathering (Smile! It’ll be FUN!!!) including One (1) shift in the Community Kitchen, unless physical disabilities prevent it.
  10. Customers consent to be photographed, filmed and recorded as participants in the event. Photos, films and recordings of the event and its participants may appear publicly and be distributed and published within the public domain. Note: In accordance with our understanding of data protection regulation, you have the right to request that Men’s Nation photographers and filmmakers not photograph, film or record you, and the right to request that they delete pictures, film or recordings they have taken of you. You may also contact us at: [email protected] to request that we remove photos, film or sound recordings that identify you from our files and online media. In this case, we at Men’s Nation will do our best to ensure this happens.
  11. Customers must use the recycling points provided and take all of their personal belongings, including rubbish, away at the end of the gathering. As an organisation, we endeavour to ‘Leave No Trace’.
  12. Smoking, including by vaping and e-cigs, is not permitted in enclosed public areas.
  13. Wristband checkpoints will be in operation around the site. Please assist by keeping your wristband accessible. Anyone without a wristband, or wearing a wristband that has been tampered with, will be ejected. Lost wristbands cannot be replaced but broken wristbands will be, if presented with proof of purchase at the Main Gate or Info Tent, on site.
    Booked Places are for personal use only, and not for any form of commercial activity. Tickets must not be offered for resale, or for advertising, promotion (including contests) or any other trade purposes (except where expressly authorised by a festival director). Resale of booked places is grounds for seizure or cancellation without refund or other compensation.

Camping, Parking and Facilities:

  1. Camping space is made available in designated area on the gathering site, from opening to closing of the gathering.
  2. Fire Lanes will be clearly identified to allow access for Emergency Personnel. If You are camped in these areas, You will be asked to remove your dwelling, and We kindly request You abide by all Health & Safety and Fire procedures. In the event that You do not comply, We reserve the right to remove you or your possessions from the site.
  3. You may only purchase a Vehicle Pass if you have an adult ticket to go with it.
  4. All vehicles require a Vehicle Pass and must park in the designated areas; any not doing so may be removed.
  5. Other than a maximum of one tent per Live-In Vehicle, camping is not permitted in the Live-In Vehicle area due to fire risk and space restrictions.


  1. Fires are prohibited in the camping area. There are designated fire spaces in the main areas of the Gathering. This includes barbecues.
  2. Gas camping stoves may be used in open, ventilated spaces in the camping area only or fitted in Live-In Vehicles, not inside tents.

Drug and Alcohol Policy:

  1. This Gathering operates a strict drug and alcohol-free policy for the duration of the Gathering. There will be support available in the Welfare Services to help with any difficulties participants may face in relation to this, however we do not provide a professional or defined service in relation to this.
  2. Illegal drugs are likely to be confiscated, and their owners to be removed from site.

Items and Practices Not Allowed:

  1. Men’s Nation has the right to search any person/any vehicle as a condition of entry. If you refuse to be searched, Men’s Nation has the right to remove you from the site and there is a no-return policy on those refusing searches.
  2. Men’s Nation has the right to confiscate items not allowed. These items may be returned after the event at Directors’ discretion.
  3. Bring a re-useable water bottle, as no water in plastic bottles or single use plastic-based items will be for sale on site.
  4. Private sound systems, including loud mini-rigs, are not allowed on site.
  5. Firearms, fireworks, laser devices, airborne lanterns, aerial drones or plastic glitters are not allowed on site for safety and environmental reasons.
  6. Animals, aside from permitted Guide or Hearing Dogs, are not allowed on site.
  7. Fuelled generators ie. petrol, diesel, biodiesel or gas are not allowed on site.
  8. Unauthorised use of photographic, audio or video recording equipment for professional or profit-making purposes is not allowed on site. Men’s Nation have appointed Photographers and Filmmakers to capture the essence of the Gathering.
  9. Unauthorised trading is not be allowed on site.

Personal information:

  1. We retain and use all information strictly under the Privacy Policy, below.
  2. We may contact you by using e-mail or other electronic communication methods and by pre-paid post and you expressly agree to this.

Basis of Sale:

  1. The description of the services and any goods in our website does not constitute a contractual offer to sell the services or goods. When an order has been submitted on the website, we retain the right to reject it for any reason, although we endeavour to provide a reason without delay.
  2. The order process is set out on the website. Each step allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting the order. It is your responsibility to check that you have used the ordering process correctly.
  3. A contract will be formed for the services ordered only when you receive an email from us confirming the order, which will also be your booked place for the event. You must ensure that the order confirmation is complete and accurate and inform us immediately of any errors. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the order placed by you. By placing an order, you agree to us giving you confirmation of the contract by means of an email with all relevant information ie. the order confirmation. You will receive the order confirmation within a reasonable time after making the contract, but in any event not later than the delivery of any goods supplied under the contract, and before performance begins of any of the services.
  4. Any quotation or estimate of fees (as defined below) is valid for a maximum period of one (1) day from its date, unless we expressly withdraw it at an earlier time.
  5. No variation of the contract, whether about description of the services, fees or otherwise, can be made after it has been entered into, unless the variation is agreed by the customer and the supplier in writing.
  6. We intend that these terms and conditions apply only to a contract entered into by you as a customer/consumer. If this is not the case, you must tell us, so that we can provide you with a different contract with terms which are more appropriate for you, eg by giving you rights as a business.

Fees and Payment:

  1. The fees for the services, the price of any goods (if not included in the fees) and any additional delivery or other charges is that set out on the website at the date we accept the order or such other price as we may agree in writing. Prices for services may be calculated on a fixed price or on a standard daily rate basis.
  2. You must pay by submitting your Credit/Debit Card details with your order or otherwise before delivery of the services.

Withdrawal and Cancellation:

You can withdraw the Order by telling Us before the Contract is made, if You simply wish to change Your mind and without giving Us a reason, and without incurring any liability. This is a Distance Contract (as defined below) which has the cancellation rights (Cancellation Rights) set out below. These Cancellation Rights, however, do not apply to a Contract for the following Goods and Services (with no others) in the following circumstances: Accommodation, transport of goods, vehicle rental services, catering or services related to leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance; Goods that are made to Your specifications or are clearly personalised; Goods which are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.

  1. Any refunds will be subject to a cancellation fee (20% of Booking Price unless cancelled within 14 days of purchase). In all cases booking fees are non-returnable. No refunds will be available after August 22nd, 2024. Men’s Nation has the right to alter or vary the programme, without notice, due to events or circumstances beyond its control, without being obliged to refund monies or exchange tickets.In the unlikely event that Men’s Nation is cancelled, we will offer at least a partial refund of the Booking Price, but will not refund the booking fee. The gathering shall not have liability beyond the purchase value of the Booked Place. It is the Booking Holder’s responsibility to check if the event has been cancelled, and if so, the date and time of any rearranged event. We would make every effort to notify Booking Holders of cancellation/re-scheduling, but cannot absolutely guarantee it.

Right to Cancel:

Subject as stated in these Terms and Conditions, You can cancel this Contract within 14 days, without giving any reason.

The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day on which You acquire, or a third party, other than the carrier, indicated by You, acquires physical possession of the last of the Goods. In a contract for the supply of services only (without goods), the cancellation period will expire 14 days from the day the Contract was entered into. In a contract for the supply of goods over time (ie subscriptions), the right to cancel will be 14 days after the first delivery. To exercise the right to cancel, You must inform Us of your decision to cancel this Contract by a clear statement setting out your decision (eg a letter sent by post or email). In any event, You must be able to show clear evidence of when the cancellation was made. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for You to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.

Commencement of Services in the Cancellation period

We must not begin the supply of a Service (being part of the Services) before the end of the cancellation period unless You have made an express request for the Service.

Effects of cancellation in the cancellation period

Except as set out below, if you cancel this Contract, we will reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (except for the supplementary costs arising if you chose a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us).

Payment for Services commenced during the cancellation period

Where a service is supplied (being part of the Service) before the end of the cancellation period in response to your express request to do so, you must pay an amount for the supply of the service for the period for which it is supplied, ending with the time when we are informed of your decision to cancel the Contract. This amount is in proportion to what has been supplied in comparison with the full coverage of the Contract. This amount is to be calculated on the basis of the total price agreed in the Contract or, if the total price were to be excessive, on the basis of the market value of the service that has been supplied, calculated by comparing prices for equivalent services supplied by other traders. You will bear no cost for supply of that service, in full or in part, in this cancellation period if that service is not supplied in response to such a request.

Deduction for Goods supplied

We may make a deduction from the reimbursement for loss in value of any Goods supplied, if the loss is the result of unnecessary handling by you (ie handling the Goods beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods: eg it goes beyond the sort of handling that might be reasonably allowed in a shop). This is because you are liable for that loss and, if that deduction is not made, you must pay us the amount of that loss.

Timing of reimbursement

If we have not offered to collect the Goods, we will make the reimbursement without undue delay, and not later than:

14 days after the day we receive back from you any Goods supplied, or (if earlier) 14 days after the day you provide evidence that you have sent back the Goods. If we have offered to collect the Goods or if no Goods were supplied or to be supplied (ie it is a contract for the supply of services only), we will make the reimbursement without undue delay, and not later than 14 days after the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this Contract. We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement.

Returning Goods

If you have received Goods in connection with the Contract which you have cancelled, you must send back the Goods or hand them over to us at 24 Broom Park TQ9 6JR without delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate to us your cancellation of this Contract. The deadline is met if you send back the Goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You agree that you will have to bear the cost of returning the Goods. For the purposes of these Cancellation Rights, these words have the following meanings:

distance contract means a contract concluded between a trader and a consumer under an organised distance sales or service-provision scheme without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the time at which the contract is concluded;

sales contract means a contract under which a trader transfers or agrees to transfer the ownership of goods to a consumer and the consumer pays or agrees to pay the price, including any contract that has both goods and services as its object.

The purchaser cannot accept any return or cancellation within 28 days before the start of the event.


We have a legal duty to supply the Goods in conformity with the Contract, and will not have conformed if it does not meet the following obligation. Upon delivery, the Goods will: be of satisfactory quality; be reasonably fit for any particular purpose for which you buy the Goods which, before the Contract is made, you made known to us (unless you do not actually rely, or it is unreasonable for you to rely, on our skill and judgment) and be fit for any purpose held out by us or set out in the Contract; and conform to their description. It is not a failure to conform if the failure has its origin in your materials. We will supply the Services with reasonable skill and care. In relation to the Services, anything we say or write to you, or anything someone else says or writes to you on our behalf, about us or about the Services, is a term of the Contract (which we must comply with) if you take it into account when deciding to enter this Contract, or when making any decision about the Services after entering into this Contract. Anything you take into account is subject to anything that qualified it and was said or written to you by us or on behalf of us on the same occasion, and any change to it that has been expressly agreed between us (before entering this Contract or later).

Duration, termination and suspension

The Contract continues as long as it takes us to perform the Services. Either you or we may terminate the Contract or suspend the Services at any time by a written notice of termination or suspension to the other if that other: commits a serious breach, or series of breaches resulting in a serious breach, of the Contract and the breach either cannot be fixed or is not fixed within 30 days of the written notice; or is subject to any step towards its bankruptcy or liquidation. On termination of the Contract for any reason, any of our respective remaining rights and liabilities will not be affected.

Successors and our sub-contractors

Either party can transfer the benefit of this Contract to someone else, and will remain liable to the other for its obligations under the Contract. The Supplier will be liable for the acts of any sub-contractors who it chooses to help perform its duties.

Circumstances beyond the control of either party

In the event of any failure by a party because of something beyond its reasonable control: the party will advise the other party as soon as reasonably practicable; and the party’s obligations will be suspended so far as is reasonable, provided that that party will act reasonably, and the party will not be liable for any failure which it could not reasonably avoid, but this will not affect the Customer’s above rights relating to delivery (and the right to cancel below).

Excluding liability

The Supplier does not exclude liability for: (i) any fraudulent act or omission; or (ii) death or personal injury caused by negligence or breach of the Supplier’s other legal obligations. Subject to this, we are not liable for (i) loss which was not reasonably foreseeable to both parties at the time when the Contract was made, or (ii) loss (eg loss of profit) to your business, trade, craft or profession which would not be suffered by a Consumer – because we believe you are not buying the Services and Goods wholly or mainly for your business, trade, craft or profession.

Governing law, jurisdiction and complaints

The Contract (including any non-contractual matters) is governed by the law of England and Wales. Disputes can be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales or, where the Customer lives in Scotland or Northern Ireland, in the courts of respectively Scotland or Northern Ireland. We try to avoid any dispute, so we deal with complaints as follows: If a dispute occurs customers should contact us to find a solution. We will aim to respond with an appropriate solution within 10 working days.


These terms and conditions were created using a document from Rocket Lawyer.

Damage To Property

In the event that You may damage any equipment or structures on site, Men’s Nation reserve the right to charge You for the cost for repair and/or replacement.


As a participant at this event, you agree to take full responsibility for your well-being and safety during the event. The event organisers do not accept any liability any actions taken by yourself, that place you or those around you at risk or in direct harm. The organisers do not accept any responsibility for your personal possessions whilst on-site, and do not provide facilities for storage of medications. Consensual Activity – During the gathering, there will be a number of workshops and activities available, as well as personal relationships formed. The organisers assume that you have mental capacity to offer consent and that the onus is upon the individual to engage in activities that they deem are appropriate and suitable for themselves. If during the gathering, a person feels as though they are unsure of their mental, physical or psychological state, the Pastoral Team will be available to offer support, advice and guidance, and space for the individual to remove themselves from a situation that they do not feel comfortable in. Security and Collective Members will also be available on site to provide additional services where necessary. Any unforeseen consequences that result from engagement at the festival, is the responsibility of the participant.

Privacy Policy:


This policy sets out how we collect, process and hold your personal data if you visit our event ticket shop or otherwise provide personal data to us. We are Men’s Nation, a project of Circle of Circles CIC, Company Number: 15171156. We are the data controller of your personal data. This policy affects your legal rights and obligations so please read it carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected].

Personal Data We Collect:

We collect, process, store and use personal data when you book a place at our events including your name, address and email address together with payment information. We may also collect personal data that you give to us about other people if you register them to attend an event. You agree that you have notified any other person whose personal data that you provide to us of this privacy notice and, where necessary, obtained their consent so that we can lawfully process their personal data in accordance with this policy. All personal data that you provide to us must be true, complete and accurate. If you provide us with inaccurate or false data, and we suspect or identify fraud, we will record this. You do not need to provide us with any personal data to view our event booking shop. However, we may still collect the information set under the Data we automatically collect section of this policy, and marketing communications in accordance with the Marketing Communications section of this policy. When you contact us by email or post, we may keep a record of the correspondence and we may also record any telephone call we have with you.

Data We Automatically Collect:

When you visit our event booking shop, we, or third parties on our behalf, automatically collect and store information about your device and your activities. This information could include (a) your computer or other device’s unique ID number; (b) technical information about your device such as type of device, web browser or operating system; (c) your preferences and settings such as time zone and language; and (d) statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns. We collect this information using cookies in accordance with the Cookie section of this policy and we use the information we collect on an anonymous basis to improve our event booking shop, our events and the services we provide, and for analytical and research purposes.

Marketing Communications:

It is necessary for our legitimate interests to use your personal data to send you marketing communications, which may include newsletters, blog posts, surveys and information about new events. You can choose to no longer receive marketing communications by contacting us at: [email protected] or clicking unsubscribe from a marketing email. If you do unsubscribe to marketing communications, it may take up to 5 business days for your new preferences to take effect. We shall therefore retain your personal data in our records for marketing purposes until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive marketing emails from us.

Lawful Processing of Your Personal Data:

We will use your personal data in order to comply with our contractual obligation to supply to you the place bookings to an event that you have booked, including to contact you with any information relating to the event, to deliver the event to you in accordance with any requests you make and that we agree to, and to deal with any questions, comments or complaints you have in relation to the event. We may also use your personal data for our legitimate interests, including dealing with any customer services you require, enforcing the terms of any other agreement between us, for regulatory and legal purposes (for example anti-money laundering), for audit purposes and to contact you about changes to this policy.

Who do we share your data with?

We may share your personal data with any service providers, sub-contractors and agents that we may appoint to perform functions on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions, including payment providers, event ticketing providers, email communication providers, IT service providers, accountants, auditors and lawyers. Under certain circumstances we may have to disclose your personal data under applicable laws and/or regulations, for example, as part of anti-money laundering processes or protect a third party’s rights, property, or safety. We may also share your personal data in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company.

Where we hold and process your personal data

Some or all of your personal data may be stored or transferred outside of the European Union (the EU) for any reason, including for example, if our email server is located in a country outside the EU or if any of our service providers or their servers are based outside of the EU. We shall only transfer your personal data to organisations that have provided adequate safeguards in respect of your personal data.


A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred (through your browser) from a website to the hard drive of your computer. The cookie identifies your browser but will not let a website know any personal data about you, such as your name and/or address. These files are then used by websites to identify when users revisit that website.

Our event booking shop uses cookies so that we can recognise you when you return and personalise your settings and preferences. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can change your browser settings either to notify you when you have received a cookie, or to refuse to accept cookies. Please note that our event booking shop may not operate efficiently if you refuse to accept cookies. We also use Google Analytics to monitor how the event booking shop is used. Google Analytics collects information anonymously and generates reports detailing information such as the number of visits to the event booking shop, where visitors generally came from, how long they stayed on the event booking shop, and which pages they visited. Google Analytics places several persistent cookies on your computer’s hard drive. These do not collect any personal data. If you do not agree to this you can disable persistent cookies in your browser. This will prevent Google Analytics from logging your visits.


We shall process your personal data in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. All information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers. Any payment transactions are encrypted using SSL technology. Where we have given, or you have chosen a password, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. However, you acknowledge that no system can be completely secure. Therefore, although we take these steps to secure your personal data, we do not promise that your personal data will always remain completely secure.

Your rights

You have the right to obtain from us a copy of the personal data that we hold for you, and to require us to correct errors in the personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete. You also have the right at any time to require that we delete your personal data. To exercise these rights, or any other rights you may have under applicable laws, please contact us at: [email protected].

Please note, we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. If you have any complaints in relation to this policy or otherwise in relation to our processing of your personal data, you should contact the UK supervisory authority: the Information Commissioner, see Our event booking shop may contain links to other sites of interest. Once you have used these links to leave our event booking shop, you should note that we do not have any control over that other site. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this policy. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy policy applicable to the site in question.


If you register with us, we shall retain your personal data until you close your account. If you receive marketing communications from us, we shall retain your personal data until you opt out of receiving such communications. If you have otherwise booked a place with us or contacted us with a question or comment, we shall retain your personal data for 6 months following such contact to respond to any further queries you might have.


If any provision of this policy is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such provision shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the parties and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. This policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. We may change the terms of this policy from time to time. You are responsible for regularly reviewing this policy so that you are aware of any changes to it. If you continue to use our event ticket shop after the time we state the changes will take effect, you will have accepted the changes.

Privacy Policy 

Your details will not be shared with any third party, and will be held securely on our database. We will not send you marketing material, we’re fed up of all of that too! We will only contact you if we need to about your booking, or to let you know about future Gatherings. Your information will be held securely and only accessed by authorised personnel and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.