We are extremely grateful to have found such a gorgeous and storied location within which to hold our yearly Gathering.

The land here truly holds magic and provides ample room for all the activities we conjure up…

There are level camping pitches, live-in vehicle parking spots and two yurt villages to make home in. There is a wonderful kitchen and sumptuous Dining Yurt for us to nourish ourselves and outdoor fire pits to relish our meals by. Centre Fire is a beautiful hall to gather in for circles and ceremonies and has hosted many a ‘knees-up’ over the ages. The Stone Circle offers deep connection with the land, whilst The Mound gives a bird’s eye view over the valley. Have a dip in The Lake, hear talks aplenty in the Woodland Shelter or sit in the woods to hear stories from nature, itself.

Its all here for our enjoyment…!

Below is a map of Embercombe. Our spaces to be confirmed.